
In search of a logo to capture our mission

Mar 11, 2018

We need help turning our mission into a beloved, uplifting (literally!) logo.

The Making of the American Landscape

Apr 12, 2017

The Race to Zero Carbon as an act of Historic Preservation

Apr 12, 2017

Do you want to keep America beautiful? The mountains majestic, the waves of grain amber and the plains fruited? Then you need to roll up your sleeves and engage in the ultimate act of historic landscape preservation.

Turning the Race to Zero Carbon into a national pastime

Oct 14, 2016

What would it take to turn the Race to Zero Carbon into a national pastime? Join the Competition Committee and help make it happen!

Climate Therapists are Standing By

Aug 12, 2016

The job of the Climate Therapist is to help people process their feelings about climate change, to move beyond paralysis to constructive action.

The Switch

Aug 07, 2016

Are you ready to go ALL THE WAY to zero carbon?

Check your switch.

Start Walking

Aug 06, 2016

A zero footprint.
How do we walk without feet?
What carries our weight?

You Saw a Fire

Dec 26, 2014

A poem by Rumi captures the apprehension before sustainability.

RSA Shorts: The Power to Create

Oct 10, 2014

What a splendid vision!  “Today, we are on the cusp of an unprecedented opportunity. Powerful social and technological changes mean that we can realistically commit to the aspiration that EVERYONE be able to live a creative life.  What do I mean by a creative life…?” Watch the video. 4 minutes.

Gardeners of Eden

Oct 06, 2014

What will life look like after the race is won?

Sep 24, 2014

Imagine we’ve won the race to zero carbon.  First one state, then another, and finally all of them come through that finish line.  What will day to day life look like in a post carbon world?  What is your vision?

Year Zero

Sep 15, 2014

The Ultimate Goal

Sep 15, 2014

“They lived happily ever after.” “The pursuit of happiness.” What is the ultimate goal? Is it a destination or a state of being?

To Serve Ten Billion People

Sep 14, 2014

Our goal is a wonderful quality of life for ten billion people with zero carbon footprint.  Where do we get that “10 Billion” number from?

Global Energy Challenge in Legos and Beans

Sep 13, 2014

Hans Rosling cuts a big problem down to size and clarifies the target: A western quality of life for ten billion people with zero carbon footprint.

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Footprint to Wings is ad-free and has taken thousands of hours to research and write, and thousands of dollars to sustain as a blog. If you find any joy and value in it, if you want to see it level up beyond a blog into the platform to win the race to net zero carbon, please consider becoming a Member and supporting with a recurring monthly donation of your choosing:

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