
There is much to be had : )

The Tablecloth Challenge

Nov 29, 2016

The tablecloth trick is a great metaphor for switching to zero carbon, so we’re inviting you and everyone you know to take the challenge. 


First Ever Race to Zero Carbon 5K & 10K Recap

Jul 27, 2016

Thank you so much to all who came out on Saturday morning, May 21, 2016, to support the first ever ‪#‎RacetoZeroCarbon‬! We had such a great time at the race and we hope you did too. Congratulations to the runners! And to all who participated in the Zero Carbon Coaching Clinic! It was truly wonderful to see so many people engaged in conversations about how to get New Jersey ALL THE WAY to net zero carbon emissions!

The Blob

Aug 05, 2015

Pipe Trouble

Sep 27, 2014

A controversial game from Pop Sandbox!  Connect the pipeline.  Build fast and stay on budget.  But keep an eye on the environment.  Sounds simple.  And yet…

Walk your carbon footprint: Easter Island style

Sep 24, 2014

Imagine representatives of every state of the union gathering in a quarry and carving out “Easter Island” style statues weighing as much as their state’s per capita carbon emissions.  Now imagine them racing these statues along a famous but now dilapidated route (say, 66). 

Which state would win?

Year Zero

Sep 15, 2014

Energy Cinderella Project

Aug 13, 2014

NIMBY Land is in search of an energy source with a sustainable, powerful, elegant footprint.  Let’s hold a ball and find our Energy Cinderella.

Thank You!

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Footprint to Wings is ad-free and has taken thousands of hours to research and write, and thousands of dollars to sustain as a blog. If you find any joy and value in it, if you want to see it level up beyond a blog into the platform to win the race to net zero carbon, please consider becoming a Member and supporting with a recurring monthly donation of your choosing:

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