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About Us
Footprint to Wings (“FP2W”) is a New Jersey nonprofit launching a movement around the “Race to be the first net zero carbon state”. The first state to achieve a net zero carbon economy - with the best quality of life - wins.
By definition, a "team" is two or more people working together. An individual can be part of many teams. A large team can be made up of many specialized teams.
The creation, distribution, consumption and disposal of stuff is one of the main energy sinks of the developed world.
Check Emissions
The Race is to be the First Net Zero Carbon State. Carbon is measured by Metric Tons of Carbon Dioxide equivalent emissions per person per year.
It's an honor, privilege and joy just to run in the race. But to the first state across the net zero carbon line...prizes and glory!
We are formalizing the race to zero carbon. That means we are inviting everyone to make a formal declaration that they are in the race at every level. Let's make this official!
"In My Back Yard". And it's cousin, NIMBY - Not in my backyard. The physical environment you inhabit. Your surroundings, the landscape, your world.
Intangible quality of life elements. Emotional, spiritual, intellectual fulfillment. Eternal bliss. A peaceful easy feeling...