
If your organization or association wants to know how to win a sustainable world with the best quality of life for themselves and billions of their fellow planet mates, contact us! We have seminars, workshops and keynote presentations that will lay it all on the line.

chat Posted Nov 05, 2016 by Rezwan | Category : About Us Coaches
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Rezwan Razani here. As the founder of Footprint to Wings, I am fiercely engaged in securing the world’s climate while bringing about an upgrade in everyone’s quality of life. I love speaking to audiences of all sizes, ages and backgrounds; cutting through the noise to get right to the heart of the matter; sharing the elegant framework that clarifies the most epic of problems. Please contact us if you would like a speaker or panelist or if you want to learn to give the talk yourself. Messengers welcome! Join our merry band of zero carbon coaches.

The material we cover is awesome, inspiring, comprehensive, and surprisingly accessible. Bonus for educators: our talks build STEM skills including numeracy and systems thinking. 

Scoring the Race to Zero Carbon.

To get started, this is the talk that sets the stage.

Summary: Here we are, on a miraculous planet, floating in space. Seven billion people, going on ten. But scientists have told us that emissions from burning fossil fuels are unleashing catastrophic climate change; that our planet, civilization and dreams are at risk; that it won’t be enough to reduce emissions: we need to decarbonize the entire global economy, NOW. Yet people wallow in avoidance, confusion, denial. To flip this doomed trajectory, Footprint to Wings is turning the Race to Zero Carbon into a national pastime. In this talk, we present the framework and scoreboard that will help humanity win the race. Extended Description »

Additional Talks »

Speaking Bio

Rezwan Razani is a straight talking, empowering, no-nonsense speaker and zero carbon coach; a writer, planner, game designer and the founder of Footprint to Wings as well as the Fusion Energy League. She holds a BA in Environmental Science from UC Berkeley and a Master of Regional Planning (MRP) from Cornell University. She taught planning at Shiraz University in Iran. She is the creator of the Persian-English word games and #textingfArsi protocol. Her story genre is Redemptive Environmental Science Fiction, which she is attempting to make Fact, especially the part about how we beat climate change. She believes people are capable of extraordinary individual and collective cultural and environmental achievements.


As seen on Youtube

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Clips from the Race to Zero Carbon 5K, addressing attendees from the bandstand
Clips from the Talk at TCNJ

Talks Given

Have Poster, Will Travel

Appearances at Festivals

We bring the Tablecloth Challenge to fairs and festivals. Instant empowerment and a great introduction to the Race to Zero Carbon. Perhaps you saw us at:

As seen on TV

Voice of America Interview


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Additional Talks

Once you’ve experienced our signature talk, “Scoring the Race to Zero Carbon”, you will be ready to dive in to more detailed talks. At present we are developing the following talks to present the scope and details of the race to zero carbon. They are available in overview form (a one hour talk including ample Q&A) and will soon be available in extended workshop form.

Energy Supply Side Plays:  100% Renewable Plays |  Nuclear Plays |  Fossil Plays

Demand Side Plays: Transportation, Buildings, Gadgets, Stuff | Agriculture

The Jobs & Consumption Conundrum

Finance Plays

The Mindset you need to win the Race to Zero Carbon

How to become a Climate Therapist

Becoming Gardeners of Eden: The ultimate play

When all else fails: Geo-engineering Plays

Also in development: Zero Carbon Coaching Clinics.

Panels: If you consider yourself a coach in a particular zero carbon play, contact us. We want to put together panels of coaches for specific sets of plays. 

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Scoring the Race to Zero Carbon: Extended Description

This talk is one hour long, including ample Question and Answer time.

“Scoring the Race to Zero Carbon” is an eye-opening talk that turns the conventional approach to climate change on its head. It flips the switch that needs to be flipped. It blasts away the feelings of overwhelm, guilt, and helplessness that people have in the face of the climate crisis, and replaces them with a winning framework and mindset.

The talk is brought to you by Footprint to Wings (fp2w.org), a 501c3 that is turning the race to zero carbon into a national pastime and coaching each state to win. We begin with the endgame in mind. We laugh at token and incremental-only solutions. We put all the plays on the table. This includes nuclear energy. It also includes many plays that people don’t realize are zero carbon plays, like basic income. We are trans partisan: there can be Red State plays and Blue State plays. We show you the plays, fields and specialized teams like you’ve never seen them before.

We leverage football metaphors. We connect everything to the central technology that holds the race together and keeps everyone honest: the data driven Scoreboard. Speaking of scores, do you know who is in the lead and why? You will after this talk.

The football metaphor is surprisingly apt for the Race to Zero Carbon. Between states, it’s a race. Within each state, it’s like a football game, with different fields requiring different plays.

In Football, you run a ball down a field. In the race to zero carbon you run your carbon footprint down to zero and sequester it in the fossil fuel end zone.

In football, you know how far you need to run for a touchdown. In the Race to Zero Carbon, you should know how “long” your energy supply field is. The scoreboard is designed to reveal this. How many nuclear power plants would you need if your state electrified everything? How many wind turbines to complete the Wind play? What is your state’s maximum Wind Play? You should have a ballpark idea. If you can quickly grasp the parameters of the fields, you will be in a position to appreciate scale, pivots, substitutions, conflicts, barriers and lateral moves. 

Too many numbers? The NFL has managed to turn football into an all-consuming national ritual, with millions of fans showing a great capacity for both literacy, numeracy, and enthusiasm, and making it a huge part of the cultural conversation.  Can we do the same for decarbonizing the economy?

This talk is for attendees who want clarity, inspiration and a framework that unleashes their innate ability to beat climate change. In giving this talk at Games For Change, we hope to find sponsors, advisors and kindred spirits to join the Competition Committee. 

Warning: Attendees may experience surprise, recognition, relief, sobriety and a swelling sense of possibility. Also a splash of terror because after all, this is a real world game we’re talking about. The stakes couldn’t be higher. Team Doom is dancing in Civilization’s end zone. We need to flip this trajectory. We need to win this game. NOW.

Darkness, Zombies and Dragon Inspection on the Road to Zero Carbon
How to leverage the election results to your favor in the race to zero carbon

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