RSA Shorts: The Power to Create

What a splendid vision!  “Today, we are on the cusp of an unprecedented opportunity. Powerful social and technological changes mean that we can realistically commit to the aspiration that EVERYONE be able to live a creative life.  What do I mean by a creative life…?” Watch the video. 4 minutes.

chat Posted Oct 10, 2014 by Rezwan | Category : Vision
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Thanks to @SchultzDan for posting this on @TheBTeamHQ‘s LinkedIn page. Actually, he posted a link to the video on the Yellow Brick Road site, a visionary site also on twitter @YeallowBrickLead.

Published on Sep 24, 2014

The 21st century presents us with huge challenges. How can we empower people to be active participants in creating a world we want to live in? In this extract from his annual RSA Chief Executive’s Lecture, Matthew Taylor offers a vision for the future - a world where every individual has the freedom and opportunity to develop their unique capabilities to the full.

You heard the man (assuming you watched the video) - let’s dispatch with those barriers and get on to a thrilling, globally creative world.  More affirmation that the road to Year Zero is wide open!


Imagine the masses, all empowered to blossom in creativity. What a renaissance world it can be!

Let’s get there.  Our job: to serve 10 Billion People, get them access to sufficient energy, and clean clothes.

Clean, creatively designed clothes and beyond!  It’s all within reach. Jump in and let’s luxuriate together in creative approaches to zero carbon.  We’ll get to zero so quickly, heads will spin.

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