Geothermal Energy:  “The Earth Bleeds Lava”

How does geothermal energy work? This video explains all.

chat Posted Sep 29, 2014 by Rezwan | Category : Other Renewable
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By Per Byhring and Arnfinn Christensen.

Deep Heat from Per Byhring on Vimeo.

The video does a great job of explaining optimum location for geothermal energy (wrinkles and wounds in the earth).  A great visual to explain the geography of NIMBY Land and where certain types of energy can be deployed.

The video also points out the role of radioactive materials (i.e. radon and thorium) in the earth’s crust for creating the heat for some forms of geothermal energy.

I post this now because I just got an email about the “Fourth Global Geothermal Energy Summit.”

The conference is organized by Active Communications International.  There is an industry for conference planning and production.  I wonder what the carbon footprint of this industry is. I shall ask.


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