You are a climate activist. You join in the climate strikes. You call on politicians and others to take action. But as you call for action, you can’t shake the feeling that the action you’re calling for is…a bit vague. You want to be sure it will add up. This campaign is for YOU!
The First Gigawatt Down Campaign is for climate activists who want to make sure their solutions ADD UP and work for everyone. Come join the team of people working to get to zero carbon using a shared metric that really clears things up! Come show us your First Gigawatt Down!
To join, take this survey - an invaluable tool for helping us plug you into the First Gigawatt Down campaign in the place where you can make the most difference.
And why is demanding one the secret sauce to leveraging any cry for change? Check out the videos (Part I and Part II) and you’ll see how issuing the Gigawatt Down challenge invites institutions, policy makers, educators, journalists…all of us, to get down to brass tacks. To put in motion the process of evaluating our options using a shared metric.
Climate change is a complex problem. The possible solutions all involve tradeoffs, downsides, NIMBY issues, you name it. We have a lot of tough decision-making ahead of us and, frankly, taking to the streets crying for unspecified change isn’t likely to create effective change; change that solves the problem, that makes sense, that we don’t later regret.
Which is why, at every opportunity, we urge you to gleefully ask your fellow activists, politicians, educators, anyone, to “Show us your First Gigawatt Down!”
If you’re ready to demand a transparent decision making process where all options are put on the table using a shared metric, then you are ready to Join the first Gigawatt Down Movement!
What are the steps in this movement?
Step One:: Add your name to this form! Join the First Gigawatt Down team and get on the mailing list!
Step Two: Watch the videos and get others to watch! Discuss!
OK, this is a multi-step action. The goal here is to get a critical mass of Americans (Oh, say, 10.6 million) to watch and discuss the video. Why? Because it’s an eye opener, that will accelerate the conversation, getting people up to speed about the real barriers to solving climate change. Here are the steps within this step:
Step Three: What is your role? Here are some categories to consider:
Here’s that T-shirt.
More to come In the emails when you sign up! So sign up!
To zero carbon and beyond!
Footprint to Wings is ad-free and has taken thousands of hours to research and write, and thousands of dollars to sustain. If you find any joy and value in it, if you want this platform to be the best it can to help you take your state to net zero carbon, please consider becoming a Member and supporting with a recurring monthly donation of your choosing →
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